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Dedication Opportunities

Dedication Donation Status
Shul Name$300,000Available
Air Conditioning$36,000Available
Asher Entrance$25,000Available
Basement Door$4,000Available
Ketoret Plaque$3,600Available
Mezuzot$1,800 eachAvailable
Rabbi's chair$5,000Available
Shtender BM$5,000Available
Shtender Chazzan$7,500Available
Ten Tal uMatar$3,600Available

To join in in this important project, you can make tax-deductable donations in the US and Israel.

In the US, make checks payable to:

P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds
630 Third Ave, Suite 1501
New York, NY 10017

Specify Bet Midrash Torani Leumi of Bet Shemesh, in the memo section of the check.

In Israel, click on the Donate button on the right.

For more information contact:
Stuart Schrader