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In order to provide for all the needs of our community, annual membership dues comprise the largest portion of the shul revenue that supports our yearly budget.

Dues for 5785 will remain the same at:

  • Family: 1,500 NIS
  • Single:  750 NIS
  • Family less than 30 years old: 750 NIS
  • Single less than 30 years old: 375 NIS
  • New-members: 1350 NIS (discount of 10% for first year)
  • Associate membership: 600 NIS (intended only for those people who are full members in another beit knesset)

We will again offer a special new-member discount of 10% (NIS 1,350). In addition, we will be offering a discount to members who are under 30 years old. The cost for couples (avg age) will be 750 shekels and 375 shekel for singles. With these reduced rates we hope to encourage younger members of the community to become part of our shul. 

Building Fund:  As always, we ask that everyone who has not completed payment of their building fund pledge to continue progressing in completing those payments. If you are not yet a building fund member, we strongly encourage you to sign up now and begin making donations towards the building fund amount of 7,000 along with your membership dues for 5785. Building Fund payments are essential for covering the costs  of our capital expenses. As our shul building gets older the need for repairs and replacements are growing, and building fund payments are more important than ever. This is a suggested commitment of every family in our kehilla, and payments may be spread out over time. Payment of the building fund entitles your family to priority with respect to seats for Yamim Noraim, discounts on use of the Ulam Selesny Simcha Hall, and other privileges.

 Please click the button for the form where you will be able to select your membership type and put in your Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur seating requests:

BMTL Membership Dues & Seating 5785

After you submit the membership/seating form, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay by credit card online.

For those preferring to pay by check or wire transfer, please be in touch with either Elyssa Aftel or Johny Gross at Multiple payments can only be accepted using an Israeli credit card or post dated checks. Please note that the credit card system only allows single payments for foreign credit cards.

Associate Membership: The Sheinfeld community is served by a number of batei knesset and there are many people who are full members of one beit knesset and yet attend tefillot or other activities at other batei knesset. To enable those who are full members of other batei knesset but regularly avail themselves of our services to support our shul, we offer associate membership. Associate members are entitled to discounts on use of the Ulam Selesny Simcha Hall and other privileges. Associate membership dues are NIS 600. Please note that associate membership is intended only for those people who are full members in another beit knesset.

אם אין קמח אין תורה – To serve the community to the fullest extent possible, the shul counts on families to contribute financially via membership dues and other special campaigns. Nevertheless, membership in the BMTL community will never be conditioned upon financial considerations. If special accommodations for paying membership dues are needed, please contact Elyssa Aftel 054-228-7120 to set up an arrangement.


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